Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mediated Realities @ Visual Arts Gallery (Chelsea, NY)

The first art installation/interactive piece is by Jelany Gould-Bailey. He is the man! And yes, I got my animation FALX screening on the HD monitor,.. Banzai!!!

This piece is awesome! I'm not exactly sure who did this one, however, if you look closely, there are video monitors in every mirror, displaying what the cameras are filming through out the gallery.

And this awesome piece is by Taili Wu. She will also be screening the animation inside the sculptural art installation at Archaic Fusion in Jungle Space Brooklyn (06-26-09)

I wish I had a larger memory stick for the camera I used at the time, but unfortunately this is all I was able to capture. I'm going to try and get more video/photo footage sometime before the show is over. But you should definitely go and check it out for yourselves, specially if you are located near New York. If your peeping this blogspot here, you've probably watched my animation FALX, so no point in going for that. But the other art pieces are awesomely phenomenal.
Be sure to check them out!

Mediated Realities
May 26 2009 - June 6 2009

Monday - Saturday
10am - 6pm

Visual Arts Gallery
601 W26 st. 15th floor
Chelsea, New York

Monday, May 18, 2009